QuickSight: Split string field by delimiter in custom SQL


Hi, i have a table in Athena which has 'testcase' and 'tags' fields. here is the sample records of the table:

  • testcase1 has tags 'tag1,tag2,tag3'
  • testcase2 has tags 'tag2,tag4'
  • testcase3 has tags 'tag2'
  • testcase4 does not has tags

I want to get all the tags from this table in QuickSight

  • tag1
  • tag2
  • tag3
  • tag4

i've tried with adding new dataset from Athena and choose Use Custom SQL option, using STRING_SPLIT function, but cannot make it work. Can you please help me with the sql query? Many Thanks, Yj Liu

demandé il y a 2 ans1145 vues
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the question is how do you want to receive the data for tags?

in different columns or in different rows?

If it is ok to have it in multiple rows the following query using the function SPLIT to create an ARRAY and the unnest the results in the array on multiple rows, as described here, could help:

 with test_data as (select 
    'testcase1' as testcase, 'tag1,tag2,tag3' as tags
union all
    'testcase2'as testcase , 'tag2,tag4'  as tags
union all
    'testcase3' as testcase, 'tag2'  as tags
union all
    'testcase4' as testcase,''  as tags ) 
select testcase, tag  from test_data
cross join unnest(SPLIT(tags, ',')) as t(tag)

result set is:

Enter image description here

If you want it in multiple columns you should use the SPLIT_PART function as shown here:

with test_data as (select 
    'testcase1' as testcase, 'tag1,tag2,tag3' as tags
union all
    'testcase2'as testcase , 'tag2,tag4'  as tags
union all
    'testcase3' as testcase, 'tag2'  as tags
union all
    'testcase4' as testcase,''  as tags ) 
select testcase, SPLIT_PART(tags, ',',1) as tag1, SPLIT_PART(tags, ',',2) as tag2,
    SPLIT_PART(tags, ',',3) as tag3, SPLIT_PART(tags, ',',4) as tag4
    from test_data

result set is:

Enter image description here

hope this helps

répondu il y a 2 ans
  • Hi Fabrizio, Thank you so much for the reply! to have the tags in multi rows is what i'm looking for! save both in my notebook!

    Thank you again! Yj Liu

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