When is AlmaLinux Coming To LightSail?


CentOS 8 went end of life December 2021.

When is AWS bringing AlmaLinux to LightSail? The chaps over at Alma advise it's being worked on, but are waiting upon AWS.


demandé il y a 2 ans783 vues
10 réponses

As LightSail is out of the box PAAS service. Most of the OS are integrated with some apps like Bitnami Wordpress , nodejs etc. i hope we will see AlmaLinux on LightSail in feature.

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répondu il y a 2 ans

The OS version on lightsail is too old and apparently the AWS team doesn't care about lightsail.

répondu il y a 2 ans
  • Debian 11 was released on August 14, 2021, but lightsail doesn't support this version yet (June 8, 2022).


Please we need Alma Linux or Rocky Linux to continue using cpanel on Amazon Light Sail

répondu il y a un an

It is noted that LightSail are now offering the option of CentOS 9 stream! (nothing on the light sail blog announcing this tho).

'Stream' is a ‘rolling release’. In essence this is classed a beta/ test operating system for the Redhat Enterprise Linux system: serious consequences for production/ enterprise level systems! This is not fit for production systems.

Come on LightSail team, we need AlmaLinux 8 (in which there is 9 years of security patches left!) & version 9 - the binary binary compatible operating system to that of the Redhat Enterprise Linux operating system which is the market leader.

There are over cloud compute companies out there offering AlmaLinux 8 & 9. Might as well get up and make the switch....

répondu il y a un an

From spinning up the 'WHM & cPanel' blueprint within LightSail this is running AlmaLinux 8.8, so go figure why the LightSail team are not at this moment in time able to make it an 'OS' option instead of just 'App+OS' offering.

répondu il y a un an

We need Almalinux for AWS Lightsail.

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répondu il y a un an

Are AWS able to provide some form of input on this with relation to bringing AlmaLinux to lightsail?

répondu il y a 5 mois

I'm looking forward to have AlmaLinux in Lightsail, too!

répondu il y a 5 mois

I am happy to announce that Lightsail now offers support for AlmaLinux blueprint. You can find the official announcement here: https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2024/03/amazon-lightsail-blueprint-selection-support-almalinux-9/

répondu il y a 2 mois

Thanks for this. Will AlmaLinux 8 also be coming to the platform in which the 'WHM & cPanel' blueprint is running? (i.e: 'OS' option instead of just 'App+OS'). There is still 4+ years left of support in 8.x.

répondu il y a 2 mois

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