Unable to access AWS MSK cluster using public endpoint from local machine


I am unable to access the public endpoint from local machine using IAM authentication via .net. Token is getting generated in the code via OAuthBearer which is IAM in this case. Broker allows IAM authentication in the cluster and it has been tested via client machine(EC2). NACL and security groups of the VPC are updated accordingly but while producing message via code getting error "Local: Message Time out".

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2 réponses

In most cases Timeout exception is coming when security groups (SG) or network aren't configured correctly.

The easiest way to test network connectivity, is to run telnet to the port 9198 of any/each of the brokers. Expected results:

$ telnet b-1.msk.aaaaa.c1.kafka.us-west-2.amazonaws.com 9198
Connected to b-1.msk.aaaaa.c1.kafka.us-west-2.amazonaws.com.
Escape character is '^]'.

If there is a connectivity, please update your question with the details of client properties and which lang is used.

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vérifié il y a 2 mois

Telnet command provided above was working as expected. I am using IAM authentication with public endpoint. Client properties are as follows. "EnableDeliveryReports": "true", "RequestTimeoutMs": "60000", "SaslMechanism": "OAuthBearer", "SecurityProtocol": "SaslPlaintext"

Language used is C#. Was able to resolve the issue by changing security protocol to SaslSsl

répondu il y a 5 mois

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