Batch write if part of the write is too old


If I do a batch write of record into time stream in order, but only SOME of the inserts/upserts fail, will the rest of them get written and only the failed ones get put into the reject bucket?

I don't have magnetic store writes enabled, and my memory store duration is 30 days. I'm just trying to figure out what happens if some records are too old to go into the memory store, since I have magnetic writes disabled. I'm OK with them failing and going into the reject bucket as long as the rest of them get written.

Example: I send in ten records, eight go into the memory store, the other 2 are too old. Do I get back a RecordsIngested of:

  • 8 records written to memory store
  • 0 records written to the magnetic store (since it's disabled)
  • 8 records total

and the remaining 2 go to the configured reject bucket?

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demandé il y a 9 mois214 vues
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-> If magnetic store is disabled, you cannot setup an Error logs location (reject bucket).
-> If magnetic store is enabled and you ingest the data older than the allowed time range, you get error "Error: An error occurred (RejectedRecordsException) when calling the WriteRecords operation: One or more records have been rejected. See RejectedRecords for details."

So, you will not get the 8 records written as a response but memory write will go successful. The remaining 2 records will go asynchronously to S3 bucket if magnetic write is enabled and log location is setup.


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