Postgresql 14.3 Performance insight RDS Admin Never Stopping Query Bug


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It appears this bug has made a come back with PostgreSQL 14.3. The query that appears is the following :

select pid, usename, client_addr, client_hostname, wait_event_type, wait_event_type || ':' || wait_event as wait_event, query, datname, application_name, backend_type, query_id from pg_stat_activity w where w.state = 'active' and COALESCE(w.wait_event,'') not in ('WalSenderMain','WalSenderWaitForWAL');

Can you confirm this is purely a Performance Insight bug and could you look into a fix ?

Thanks a lot !

  • +1 Also seeing this across various PG 14 and 15 engine versions.

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1 réponse


This is a know issue in the Performance Insights and it should not cause any performance impact on your instance. We understand that this is a sub-optimal experience, and apologize for any inconvenience it causes. The RDS Performance Insights team is working on a quick, secure workaround to address the issue.

I hope this helps!

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