How to check what all resources assigned to Particular AWS Account


Hi Experts, i am exploring option on How to check what all resources assigned to Particular AWS Account i have 15 AWS account and would like to see what all resources attached to particular OU/Account . i would like to ease out the monitoring.

Thanks In Advance

demandé il y a 6 mois330 vues
2 réponses


the way to go is to use AWS Config in your AWS Organizations.


Multi-account, multi-region data aggregation in AWS Config enables you to aggregate AWS Config 
data from multiple accounts and AWS Regions into a single account. Multi-account, multi-region data 
aggregation is useful for central IT administrators to monitor compliance for multiple AWS accounts 
in the enterprise. An aggregator is a resource type in AWS Config that collects AWS Config data from 
multiple source accounts and Regions. Create an aggregator in the Region where you want to see the 
aggregated AWS Config data. While creating an aggregator, you can choose to add either individual account IDs or your organization.

This blog post will walk you precisely through the implementation:



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répondu il y a 6 mois

We have just updated a feature in the tool AWS Resource Explorer, which I think would be beneficial to you. It allows you to search for and discover your resources, such as EC2s, RDS, (including Tags) across multiple regions, and now across your entire AWS organisation all from the Resource Explorer console

The following blog post gives you a walkthrough on how to configure this.

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