RDS MySql 5.7 End of Life


Mysql 5.7 EOL is Oct, 2023. Will RDS Mysql Major version will be upgraded automatically after Oct, 2023 or AWS will keep supporting the 5.7.x versions?

Ref: 1- https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/upgrading-from-amazon-rds-for-mysql-version-5-5/

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2 réponses

There is no planned forced upgrade timelines yet for MySQL 5.7. AWS support timelines for engine versions is based on community MySQL but the community MySQL deprecation doesn't directly affect supportability of those engine versions.

Please refer Supported MySQL major versions on Amazon RDS section at MySQL on Amazon RDS versions, RDS EOL is Oct 2023 and end of support is Dec 2023 as of today.

However, it's also mentioned that if If Amazon extends support for an RDS for MySQL version for longer than originally stated, we plan to update this table to reflect the later date.

Comment here if you have additional questions, happy to help.

Hope you find this helpful


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From Amazon RDS FAQs, What happens when an Amazon RDS DB engine version is deprecated?

When a minor version of a database engine is deprecated in Amazon RDS, we will provide a three (3) month period after the announcement before beginning automatic upgrades. At the end of this period, all instances still running the deprecated minor version will be scheduled for automatic upgrade to the latest supported minor version during their scheduled maintenance windows.

When a major version of the database engine is deprecated in Amazon RDS, we will provide a minimum six (6) month period after the announcement of a deprecation for you to initiate an upgrade to a supported major version. At the end of this period, an automatic upgrade to the next major version will be applied to any instances still running the deprecated version during their scheduled maintenance windows.

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  • Both current answers to this post bring useful and complementary information to the initial question

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