'403 Forbidden' error when attempting to access AWS web console only from home IP address


Wondering if anyone has run across this issue before. I can access all resources within my account (EC2 instances, CloudFront distributions, etc.) from my home IP address, but when I try to sign into the web console itself (console.aws.amazon.com), I get a plain page stating only '403 Forbidden'. When I use a VPN to sign in, however, it works with no issues. It seems like I've somehow been placed on a deny list for the CloudFront distros that serve the web console app.

demandé il y a 2 ans875 vues
2 réponses

Are you the account owner/root user? Otherwise, you could check with the account admin to check if they have restricted access to a specific CIDR range.


profile pictureAWS
répondu il y a 2 ans
  • Yes, I am the account owner and can become root when needed. What's strange is I'm also blocked from viewing https://repost.aws/ unless I use a VPN. I've confirmed that no IAM policies are in effect that restrict access based on IP address.


I am wondering if you are facing the issue on any corporate laptop, which restricts access through VPN for certain domains. You can try accessing these on your personal laptop or mobile or tablet or ipad to see if the issue persists. If the issue is on a specific device then should be some restrictions on that.

profile pictureAWS
répondu il y a 2 ans
  • That is a good thought, but I've confirmed this behavior on both personal and corporate devices. Even my personal phone receives '403 Forbidden' messages when trying to access console.aws.amazon.com or repost.aws . The 403 error for repost.aws is slightly more informative as it gives a request ID at the bottom of the page that may help in tracing why this is happening.

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