AWS IoT dash board


Hello AWS Forum Community,

I am looking for way how I can add thing more easily and intuitive to AWS IoT. AWS provided great AWS IoT Developer Guide where process of adding thing outlined pretty clear.

I would like to take this experience to the next level and create simple web based dash board which allow non technical people manage things ie add/delete/ reconfigure and etc...

Being a newbie with AWS I am asking what sections of AWS I should look at, and if there are any tutorials available?

Thank you all for Support...



demandé il y a 4 ans211 vues
2 réponses

Hi there,

If you are looking into ways to build a new dashboard on top of AWS services like IoT Core, I'd recommend checking out AWS Amplify.

Amplify gets the infrastructure, deployment, and tooling headaches out of your way so you can focus on building. You can write client apps that communicate directly with AWS APIs via the SDK or it will help you create serverless functionality that wraps AWS APIs.

Hope that helps,

répondu il y a 4 ans

Thank you Ryan

répondu il y a 4 ans

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