Using codewhisperer in cloud 9 pricing


We are a company looking to purchase an AWS Cloud 9 Professional account.  So, in order to use Code Whisperer on the cloud 9 , do we need to purchase it separately? On the official documentation it is saying that Code Whisperer is also available for free with AWS Cloud9. So is this true? Official Documentation Link Enter image description here

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2 réponses

As stated in the link posted, it's free. However, for CodeWhisperer to provide recommendations in AWS Cloud9 console, you must enable the correct IAM permissions for either your IAM user or role.

Please refer to the following link regarding how to enable CodeWhisperer in Cloud9 and start using it.

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  • Please can you explain how I follow these instructions to enable CodeWhisperer on cloud9 ?


CodeWhisperer is free for Cloud9, Lambda console and Sagemaker studio.

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