Workspaces no internet access and no longer able to connect


Hello All, Thanks in advance for reading and any feedback.

Amazon AWS Windows 7 lost internet access, was able to connect to system but not able to access internet. Also said their was a network ip conflict. Attempted to reboot system several times no changes.

Now, AWS workspace is not connecting via Windows Client, Web Client or via RDP. Console shows system available, no messages of unhealthy.


An error occurred while connecting to your WorkSpace.

If the problem persists, contact your WorkSpaces administrator.


AWS workspaces windows client error:

Unable to connect

We can't connect to your WorkSpace right now. This may be caused by current updates. Please try again later. If this happens again, contact IT Support.

demandé il y a 5 mois408 vues
1 réponse


Were you able to connect to your WorkSpaces before the issue occurred?
This is the URL of an old question, but if you look at the answers here, there were posts that said it was a browser problem or an OS problem.
This is a fairly old post, so I don't know if it matches your environment, but I think it's worth checking.

Also, the following document describes how to enable diagnostic logging, so if you enable it, you may be able to check information that is useful for troubleshooting.

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répondu il y a 5 mois

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