AWS Backint Agent for SAP HANA restore database without agent


Assuming a SAP HANA database was backed up with the AWS Backint Agent for SAP HANA, is it possible to restore it without the agent e.g. by downloading the files from Amazon S3 and restoring it manually?

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This is currently not possible, SAP HANA databases whose backups were taken with the AWS Backint Agent for SAP HANA have to be restored with the AWS Backint Agent for SAP HANA. For small backup files, a manual restore process might theoretically work but for large backup files, the AWS Backint Agent for SAP HANA split backups files and during restore they need to be re-assembled back. Only AWS Backint Agent for SAP HANA can perform this re-assembling. Manually restoring backups taken with the AWS Backint Agent for SAP HANA is not recommended and AWS cannot be held responsible for corruption issues or loss of data.

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