migrate database from my local to AWS


I have schema and populated with data into MySql on my local machine. However, due to the large-scale of the datasets, the computing time suffers in the following analysis stage in python. So I decide to try to move all my work to cloud. I'm wondering if there is anyway to let the server in AWS directly connect to the mysql server in my laptop so that I can use the existing datasets without recollect them.

demandé il y a 5 ans265 vues
2 réponses
Réponse acceptée

You can use DMS database migration service of aws which will do everything for you.


But you have to take care about foreign key and other data. sometime it is generating the error.

DMS will transfer all of your data from laptop to aws database which will be on RDS or you can choose.

répondu il y a 5 ans
répondu il y a 5 ans

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