Hello, I'm encountering two problems related to Lambda and API Gateway. Could you provide me with a potential solution for these issues?

  1. I'm currently using a Lambda function to host my Django application using Zappa, which has a size exceeding 1 GB. However, when I send the initial request to Lambda, the response times out because the default timeout set for API Gateway is 30 seconds. Is it possible to extend the default timeout for API Gateway?

  2. Additionally, I'm looking for an alternative solution to decrease the cold start period of Lambda, enabling it to handle the initial request more efficiently. Is there a way to achieve this?

1 réponse
  1. No, that's not possible today. I'd suggest that the client upload the file to S3 then have the Lambda function read it from there. Bear in mind that Lambda functions with larger memory sizes have increased CPU and network performance so that might help.
  2. I'd start with this blog post as it has a lot of good suggestions that cover a wide range of use cases.
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