Aurora Serverless vertical scaling


I was wondering if using Aurora serverless to do auto vertical scaling, will there be any down time involved? If yes, then how long is the down time will take? Thank you

demandé il y a 6 mois152 vues
1 réponse


Thanks for writing to us

Here I wanted to share a text from the link below "Faster and easier scaling during periods of high activity – Aurora Serverless v2 scales compute and memory capacity as needed, with no disruption to client transactions or your overall workload." [] Using Aurora Serverless v2 - Advantages of Aurora Serverless v2 -

For v1 - the scaling is a bit different - You can read more about it here - [] How Aurora Serverless v1 works - Autoscaling for Aurora Serverless v1 -

Also this would help -

I sincerely hope I was able to assist you today.

répondu il y a 5 mois

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