GreenGrass IoT Core


Can one GreenGrass device connect to and be managed by another? Customer would likely be deploying this solution in networks that may not have internet connectivity for all devices so if they only have to get their customers to enable internet access for 1 single device, instead of several, it will be easier for them

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1 réponse

Hey tarushtg,

I will assume based on your statement the goal is "only have to get their customers to enable internet access for 1 single device". It will all depend the customer needs, you could deploy multiple components and "Things" into a single physical device. Basically, your device would be running Greengrass as one process and you could run other processes that act as "Things" on the same device that interact with the Core process and only provide internet access to a single physical device.

If what I described is not what you are looking for and you have multiple physical devices that need to interact with just one core device able to access the internet. Initially your devices that want to interact with the core would need internet connectivity to perform a cloud discovery and get the core device's ip address, and public certificate so they can communicate with the core device over MQTT on the same local network . After that, the devices can be offline (except the core) and communicate with the core over MQTT on the local network or VPN having the core act as a "gateway", granted, to do this you would need to write a custom component and deploy it to the core that acts as a gateway for forwarding requests to the internet.

This is similar to what got replied on this other post



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