Systems Manager Fleet manager Remote Desktop from CLI or boto3


I have a windows instance (i-1234567890) running, ssm-agent and everything installed, it is running in a public network. When I open console and I go to: AWS Systems Manager, Node Management, Fleet Manager I select my windows instance (i-1234567890) From the menu node actions I select Connect, Connect with remote desktop In the Fleet Manager – Remote Desktop window: I select Keypair, I browse from my key pair file

Click connect, and the i have the remote desktop...

Can I do this from the cli or boto3?

Actually the nicest solution is to load the key-pair-file content from AWS Secrets Manager.

1 réponse

I think "Fleet manager Remote Desktop" is only available from the management console.

It is possible to do port forwarding with SSM Session Manager and RDP from a local computer without setting the EC2 security group.

aws ssm start-session --target <ssm-managed-instance-id> --document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSessionToRemoteHost --parameters '{"portNumber":["3389"],"localPortNumber":["3389"],"host":["EC2 IP"]}'
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