Making kafka connection to TLS1.2 and FIPS compliant


We need to make our Kafka connection TLS 2.1 to be FIPS compliant. From where should we start exploring? Is there a set of steps, which I should follow?

1 réponse
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Hi, the following page shall provide you with useful information

all AWS FIPS endpoints have been updated to only accept a minimum 
of Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 connections. This ensures that our customers
 who run regulated workloads can meet FedRAMP compliance requirements that 
mandate a minimum of TLS 1.2 encryption for data in transit. Read the announcement on the AWS Security blog post.

Managed Service for Kafka (MSK) is on the page.

If you also look for general info re. AWS Compliance Programs, start by

Hope it helps!


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