Resource utilization exceed the limit as per billing in serverless


I run one application without pre-initialized capability in Emr serverless and thr explicit limit set to 40vCPUs, 300gb memory, 2000gb disk. After the every job execution, resources utilization and billing shows exceeded vCPUs limit for an instance sometimes shows 64.55 vCPU. May I know why this discrepancy and could someone please clear if you have experienced this before?

Thanks in advance

demandé il y a 6 mois286 vues
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Basically, application levels limits are different from total Resource utilization in a job that showed in the console. Application limits helps control the total number of cores you can provision across multiple jobs running in an application concurrently whereas resource utilization is the total resources utilized in hours for billing calculation.

For an instance,Lets say, suppose I have 1 driver and 1 executor with 4vCPUs each, application limit with 10vCPUs and my job runs for 5hours, then the total resource vCPUs utilization will be approx. 80vCPUs hours. (4vCPUs driver + 4vCPUs executor = 8 * 5 hours = 40vCPUs).

répondu il y a 6 mois
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vérifié il y a 6 mois
  • It makes sense. Thanks for the clarification 👍

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