Add Launch Script after Lightsail Creation?


My lightsail instance needs a launch script, but I can only find documentation on setting those up when first creating the server.

Where does the launch script live on the server? I'd love to just ssh in, edit it, and be done.

demandé il y a 3 ans1315 vues
5 réponses
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I did a bit of poking around ... looks like you can just put your startup script in /etc/rc.local and it will run.

Make sure you make /etc/rc.local executable (chmod a+x /etc/rc.local).

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David G
répondu il y a 3 ans

What blueprint are you using?

There are various ways to accomplish a launch script, but it depends on the blueprint.

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David G
répondu il y a 3 ans

I'm using MEAN.

répondu il y a 3 ans


Thanks for using Lightsail!

Here is a doc about launch scripts:

The doc does not explicitly state this but it is important to note that the launch script is only executed on initial launch of the instance, not on every launch. For that reason there is no way to configure the launch script after the instance is initially created.

If you require software to run on every launch of the instance, you should use the os-dependent initialization software such as 'initd' on linux and startup programs on Windows.

I hope this helps!


profile pictureAWS
répondu il y a 3 ans

David - thanks, that worked.

I had to do few more debugging steps to get my script running properly.

In the end the script ended up looking like:


cd /full/directory/path/to/my/app
/full/path/to/init_command 1>/var/log/my_app_name/my_app_name.log 2>&1 &

...and that did it.
If anyone else runs into a similar hurdle, hopefully this helps.

répondu il y a 3 ans

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