AWS Certification Exam Voucher


Hello, I get a 50% discount voucher for the next exam after passing my AWS SAA-C03 exam. I want to register for the next exam which is AWS SOA-C02, and I realize that by registering the exam through Get Certified, I can get a coupon of 50% discount on any exam. So my question is that can I combine the voucher and the coupon for my exam?

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3 réponses
Réponse acceptée

No, you cannot combine multiple coupons to book a qualifying exam.
You can find the Terms of Use at the following URL.

Offer cannot be combined with any other offers or discounts.

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vérifié il y a 2 mois
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  • It's good to know. Thank you!


#AWS has provided a 100% discount #voucher for anyone who wants to get the AWS #practitioner certification, this voucher is valid until September 18th! The voucher is valid for both the on-site test at a partner institution and the online test model.FREE: AWLA276F0E59 The test can only be scheduled until the date of September 18th, as from the 19th the test will be reformulated.

Thanks and all the best.

répondu il y a 10 mois


you can register at AWS Partner Certification Readiness: SysOps Administrator - Associate - Program and probably you will get a voucher for the exam after taking all tasks in the 6 weeks journey.

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