New AWS Bedrock models - pricing + throughput


The aws bedrock model pricing page doesn't provide much detail and I haven't heard back from an aws rep yet, could anyone confirm:

  1. the pricing for llama2
  2. Which Claude model (1 or 2) is being quoted in the pricing page under "anthropic Claude"
  3. Any details regarding throughput or rate limits for any of the LLMs, specifically: Claude2, Claude Inst, Titan Express, or Llama2?
2 réponses


Thanks for the questions.

a/ The pricing for llama2 - The model is yet to be made generally available on Bedrock. Hence the pricing is not available at this moment. Pricing details would be available in the official documentation, once the model is made GA on Bedrock.

b/ Which Claude model (1 or 2) is being quoted in the pricing page under "anthropic Claude" - In all customer discussions, we're keeping the pricing details, available in official documentation, for Claude 2 and Claude Instant.

c/ Any rate limits or quotas for LLMs - Please go through this official documentation


répondu il y a 8 mois
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Hi John,

Good day.

  1. the pricing for llama2. its coming soon, pricing not yet released. Llama2 Bedrock you may however try llama2 on Sagemaker jumpstart currently. Sagemaker jumpstart
  2. Which Claude model (1 or 2) is being quoted in the pricing page under "anthropic Claude". its applicable for 2 classes- Claude instant and Claude v1/v2. Depends on number of tokens you generate in each model, that counts to the costs. Claude pricing
  3. Any details regarding throughput or rate limits for any of the LLMs, specifically: Claude2, Claude Inst, Titan Express, or Llama2? Yes, you can check specific quotas here BedRock rate limits

Hope it helps, have good day ahead.

Ben Lee
répondu il y a 8 mois
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vérifié il y a 2 mois

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