How can I verify the VPC Gateway Endpoint is used?


How do I verify the VPC Gateway Endpoint is being used after setup? I can run a reachability analysis between the ENI and the VPC gateway, but how do I confirm it's routing via the gateway endpoint?

demandé il y a 2 ans684 vues
2 réponses
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The easiest way to do this is to look at the CloudTrail event for each API call. If the endpoint is being used then there will be vpcEndpointId value in the event.

profile pictureAWS
répondu il y a 2 ans
profile pictureAWS
vérifié il y a 2 ans
  • Ah wonderful, what I was looking at was working, but instead I discovered RedShift wasn't using it probably because it doesn't have enhanced VPC enabled.

  • Depending on what you're doing; AWS services (RDS, Redshift and others) will access S3 without going through your VPC - they have other networking connections that allow them to connect to S3 independently and that's how they would work in a VPC without Internet access or a private endpoint.


I noticed that "vpcEndpointId" is present even for the events when no point existed. Not sure why that's there.

répondu il y a un an

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