Usage quantity for AWS OpenSearchService gp3 storage far exceeding the size of indexes in OpenSearchService


I am currently on AWS Free tier and while checking my bills for Amazon OpenSearch Service ESDomain, I saw that the gp3 storage provisioned has exceeded storage quantity by 60 GB. I also checked the storage of my indexes via _cat/indices?v API on OpenSearchService but it hasn't exceeded more than 1.2 MB. How do I check what the storage is being used? Attaching screenshot for the bill and my index size. AWS Free tier bill for OpenSearchService Result of _cat/indices?v API

1 réponse

Hello there!

This may be due to to a few reasons, but I'd suggest troubleshooting with our Best Practices guide, this doc on Calculating storage requirements for your OpenSearch Service domains might be helpful, as it provides a summary of how OpenSearch Service uses disk space.

You may want to also review our recommendations for CloudWatch alarms, as they'll be able to help you track usage based on your configuration.

- Roxy M.

répondu il y a 10 mois
  • Hi Roxy,

    I used the estimation based on your docs and with my 1MB of source data with 1 replica, the minimum storage requirement comes out to be approximately 3MB. I don't know where does the 60 GB of gp3 storage comes into picture.

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