Cloudfront distribution downloading instead of showing content


I'm trying to get a very simple website up and running using cloudfront and s3 from AWS. I managed to configure everything, but when I access my page, instead of showing the file content, it downloads the content. can you help me? Thanks in advance.

Below are some things that may help:

Bucket Policy:

Enter image description here

Origin configuration in cloudfront:

Enter image description here

demandé il y a 10 mois2237 vues
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The content type of the object placed in S3 may not be "text/html".
Try changing the content type with the following command.

aws s3 cp --content-type text/html s3://your-bucket-name/index.html s3://your-bucket-name/index.html --recursive

Also, delete the CloudFront cache after making the change.

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