AWS Console - CloudFormation - StackSets


We are seeing an error in the AWS console when trying to access our CloudFormation StackSets. We get a red banner at the top of the screen with the message "Failed to load StackSet". Screenshot

We have been getting this error for about a week now and we did not make any changes at the time this began. Fortunately, the deployments from our central DevOps account (where StackSets live) to our environment level accounts still works. We just can't do anything to update the StackSet: new template, check events, change parameter values, etc.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue also or has experienced this before? Are there any recommendations to resolve it?

demandé il y a un an347 vues
1 réponse
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Hi THere

Can you confirm whether you are able to list/describe the stacksets using the CLI?

profile pictureAWS
répondu il y a un an
  • Matt, It does appear that I can get the list of stack-sets via CLI. I can also get the details of a particular stack set via CLI using describe-stack-set.

  • I also noticed that the screenshot shows this is a "SELF_MANAGED" template. These are not SELF_MANAGED and are SERVICE_MANAGED templates. I assume the console defaults to display "SELF_MANAGED" if no data found, but I wanted to mention in case it is important.

  • Hi there This seems to be a known issue but unfortunately there is no ETA for a resolution.

  • Matt - thank you for the update. Hopefully this will be resolved soon.

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