GENERIC_INTERNAL_ERROR: Path missing in file system location


Trying to create an Athena table with the following query

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS current_energy_rates
  WITH (table_type = 'ICEBERG', format='PARQUET', location='s3://pr-energy-lookup', is_external=false) AS
 country_code, postal_code, unit_price, fetch_time
where fetch_time=1714147368

I get the following error

GENERIC_INTERNAL_ERROR: Path missing in file system location: s3://pr-energy-lookup. You may need to manually clean the data at location 's3://pr-athena-temp/Unsaved/2024/04/26/tables/2cb545a9-efb9-4a0e-b6ed-d5fb5d7eb856' before retrying. Athena will not delete data in your account.

The select query works stand alone. Manual clean up of the folder and re-run did not make a difference. Any ideas on what do next?

P Ravi
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