TEAM IDC APP Permission Set question


Has anyone implemented successfully the TEAM IDC APP?

I am able to complete the setup and configuration but when I go to eligibility policy, it loads a blank page and seems to redirect somewhere. Its just a blank page.

From @tmlewiz, he provided this link as a workaround. I dont understand why after giving permission set for TEAM management account, my page for eligibility policies is still blank.

Appreciate any response or assistance, im not sure what im missing here. thank you!!!

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Hi Carla,

I presume you already have the answer, as per your comment on The reason why it shows as blank is because there are not enough rights. However, it is essential to verify that the account where it is deployed is delegated by the organization.

For further information about delegation permissions, refer to:

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  • Thanks Frank. Yes this was the fix as also mentioned @tmlewiz. I deployed the TEAM application on an AWS account that was not the delegated admin account. Deploying the app to the correct delegated account fixed it!

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