Connecting IAM users with system users in EKS pods



I need to connect each IAM user to their own system user in EKS pod.

I know that using the aws eks --region region update-kubeconfig --name cluster_name + kubectl exec --stdin --tty pod/test -- /bin/bash commands i can get the "terminal access" to the pod, hosted in AWS EKS.

But it always gives me root user, how i can define by which user i want to authenticate into the pod? And, is it possible to define which IAM users have access to which pods system users?

I know that it is possible to do what i need with system manager - session manager by using SSH keys or defining the user-name with Tag SSMSessionRunAs for EC2 instances, but does it work similar with the EKS?


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Okay, found half solution -, im a bit new to kubernetes stuff, but yeah, it is possible to use session manager to achieve exact what i need, that 1 IAM user would have its own system user in NODE , but now i need to find a way to get access from node to pod, which i suppose should be possible, will not accept my own answer for now, maybe someone has better solution.

répondu il y a 2 ans
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vérifié il y a 2 ans
  • Okay, yes, after getting into the Node it is pretty easy to get into the pod, you just need to use `docker exec -it <container id> bash

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