Error in Visual: The dataset changed too much for QuickSight to automatically update your analysis. You can edit the fields or filters in the current dataset, or replace it with a different dataset.


I created a heat map visual in a QuickSight analysis. It used to work, and now it is giving this error:

The dataset changed too much for QuickSight to automatically update your analysis. You can edit the fields or filters in the current dataset, or replace it with a different dataset.

I can't find anything about this error on google or in re:Post, and would appreciate some help in figuring out what causes this. There is a link for further information but it just takes me to the QuickSight front page. Here are other details that may be pertinent:

  1. The row contains a single string identifier, the column is a datetime column, and the measure is an integer
  2. The error says the dataset changed, and I believe this to be the case, but I'm not 100% certain how it changed (it was modified by someone else and I don't recall how it differs from how it originally was).
  3. The dataset currently joins a custom SQL query dataset with a dataset that pulls an entire table from our DB. The two datasets are joined on a string column that's not unique in either dataset.
  4. We pull all our data from a Redshift DB
  5. When I remove any of the new columns that were added and leave just the barebones ones I need here, I still see the error
  6. If I delete the analysis and try to create a new one with this dataset, it will show me the error the moment I add any column into any field well. If I delete the column from the field well, it still shows the error even though there are no longer any values in the empty field wells.

it seems like something just... broke the dataset. Any help with this appreciated, thank you for taking the time to read this.

demandé il y a 2 ans5336 vues
2 réponses

I figured out what it was and thought I'd post in case someone has this error in the future. A column was deleted from the dataset but there was a filter still applied for this column. Deleting that filter caused it to show correctly again.

répondu il y a 2 ans

Hi ,

the error depends as you mention on the fact. That the dataset is changed , from the description it seems that you have new columns only, and that should not really have an impact.

is there a possibility that a field was actually dropped and/or changed name? Was any of the field used in a calculated field and that field is now not possible to calculate? Has any of the fields changed data type?

To understand what could be the issue when a data set changes, you could look at this documentation page.

if you have Support you could open a Support case.

Also, for QuickSight related questions we have launched a fully dedicated community; in case you want to check there to see if there are further answer to your questions.

in case you have not yet a Support subscription, consider to upgrade to Developer Support or Business support .

hope this help

répondu il y a 2 ans

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