Workdocs notification by email


Every time a contributor updates a file, a warning email is sent. Would you like to know how to disable email email?

demandé il y a 2 ans315 vues
2 réponses

You can disable notification by selecting Disable email notification in the Notification Settings section under File Information in the top right hand corner of the right navigation pane.

répondu il y a 2 ans
  • Hi debbie, what interface are you referring to, where there is a "Notification Settings section under File Information in the top right hand corner of the right navigation pane"? Are you referring to the Amazon WorkDocs web portal (which doesn't have a right navigation pane)?


I have the same problem, everything done in Workdocs is generating a huge volume of email notifications for users, did you manage to find how to disable this?

répondu il y a 5 mois

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