How to introduce distributed mode in maps using aws CDK


I have been trying to get a mitigation for the error that pops up in the state machine's execution

The execution reached the maximum number of history events (25000).

I am trying to add a DISTRIBUTED mode for my maps that are calling the s3 api (listObjects). I want to add this functionality at the CDK code in typescript which can be used in deployment of CFN stack and we have a form of tracking and giving relevant permissions for the state machine. example code :

        const listLimitDirectories = new CallAwsService(this, 'listLimitDirectories', {
            service: 's3',
            action: 'listObjectsV2',
            parameters: {
                Bucket: bucketName,
                Prefix: 'limits/',
                Delimiter: '/',
            iamResources:[bucketArn, bucketArn + '/*'],
            iamAction: 's3:getObject'

        const iterateLimitDirectories = new Map(this, "iterateLimitDirectories", {
            maxConcurrency: 24,
            itemsPath: "$.CommonPrefixes",
            resultPath: "$.Contents"

It would be great to get some hands on resources that give some ideas on how to introduce this DISTRIBUTED mode in the code level

demandé il y a 10 mois527 vues
1 réponse

Hi, look at this Github ticket:

You have some code samples that you are looking for toward the bottom of the ticket

Also this one may be of interest for you: with joint article at



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