Monitoring packet loss on Windows based EC2


A customer is running a proof-of-concept for live video playout using Windows-based EC2 instances running Grass Valley. At bitrates approaching 45 Mbps they start to see packet loss impacting the quality of the video and would like ways to monitor the packet loss directly on the EC2 instances as near to realtime as possible.

What are good ways to do this on Windows with as little latency as possible to allow the customer to monitor and alert on packet loss problems?

1 réponse
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You could use Windows Performance Counters to get those metrics directly from Windows.


And within PerfMon (Performance Monitoring) in Windows you can create data collector sets, to get some data to do further analytics, as well as a performance counter alert to send an email if a specific counter exceeds a set threshold.

répondu il y a 5 ans

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