Environment variables not working on aws amplify



I am deploying a next app on aws amplify, next version 13.4.12. I have tested the web app locally and everything works correctly. I have environment variables set up with connections to a database, and I'm able to submit information through a form and add it to the database.

In amplify, I've added the environment variables under App settings > Environment variables, and I've also updated the build settings under App settings > Build settings to match the documentation found here. In fact, in one case I directly copied the - env | grep -e DB_HOST ... command because my variables are set up exactly the same.

For some reason though, when I deploy my next app on my custom domain through amplify, the webapp works fine except for the form and updating the database. I input data, press submit on the form, and my database does not update. I do the exact same thing locally, and my database updates.

I can verify that all of my code is the same locally and on github, and amplify pulls from github.

If it helps, my database is sql on aws..

1 réponse
Réponse acceptée

I realized that this was not an issue with my environment variables; it was an issue with my query. Although it worked locally, the code was sloppy, so it didn't work on amplify. I fixed the query, and now it works.

Jeff F
répondu il y a 10 mois

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