Which Bedrock Quota Services Should I Increase?


Hello, I developed a webapp that intracts with Bedrock trough an API to request services on demand. The workflow is as it follows: We upload PDF document , which are technical sheets of products, then connects with Bedrock, transforms the document to images, read the info contained and then returns the recognized information. The documents size is 15mb average, and we are having trouble because the connection breaks. No error of credentials is received back, just the process breaks down and no information is recevied. I think that the problem is with quotas. Considering the process that we do with the documents, which services would you recommend to request a quota increase?

Thank you.

2 réponses

According to the Amazon Bedrock API Reference, you can include up to five documents. Each document's size must be no more than 4.5 MB.

répondu il y a 3 mois


Looking at Amazon Bedrock's quotas, I can't find any quotas related to file upload size.
I suspect that the problem is not with Bedrock, but with a limitation of the model you are using, or with the upload method.
Are there any errors output in the application log?

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