No createinputcommand in MediaLiveClient AWS SDK for JavaScript v3


I want to create a medialive input using AWS SDK for JS v3, but cant seem to find the createinputcommand, the createchannelcommand has an InputId key in its input object but there is no function to create one.

On the management console we first create an input then attach it to a channel as an input attachment so where is the sdk function to create the input

demandé il y a 10 mois222 vues
2 réponses

Thanks for your question. You may want to review the MediaLive API documentation, along with the SDK.

Specific to creating MediaLive inputs, please see the command format in this link, under POST, Operation ID: CreateInput

Also, you may want to look here for some MediaLive examples.

répondu il y a 10 mois

Please note that currently, v3 does not have a CreateInput command (but v2 does have). Hence it is not viable to run this on v3 for the time being.

If you want to file this as a feature request, feel free to do so on the AWS JS v3 SDK GitHub issue. Make sure you use the 'feature-request' label. With that said, please note that there is no guarantee if it would be implemented.

Additional notes: it is not recommended to use v2 calls on v3 as they are not the same set of APIs and may break work-flows. More information on the v2 to v3 transition here.

répondu il y a 10 mois

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