Migrating from RDS MariaDB 10.2 to Aurora MySQL 5.6


Hi there,

We currently use RDS MariaDB for our database and I'd like to migrate over to begin using Aurora MySQL 5.6.

I understand that some of the functions available in MariaDB 10.2 are unavailable in MySQL 5.6, but we are not using any of those functions. Our queries are actually very basic.

The naive approach here would be to do a mysqldump of our MariaDB database and then import it into Aurora, but that would result in downtime for our customers. I'm trying to come up with a solution that would result in ZERO downtime..

Does anyone have any ideas here?

demandé il y a 5 ans934 vues
1 réponse
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You can use the AWS Database Migration Service to achieve a near zero downtime migration. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/dms/latest/userguide/CHAP_Source.MySQL.html

répondu il y a 5 ans

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