Receiving emails error in SES


I 'm using SES where I have validated my domain and email address, so I'm able to send emails without problems (sent from my domain). Also, no longer in Sandbox. However, I'm struggling to receive emails using SES. I followed all steps, and included the MX record in my DNS provider, but I'm not getting emails (I did setup a rule set which is active and contains SNS notification and S3/lambda code to forward the incoming emails). Checking for MX records using online tools, I get this error;

smtp Problem getting IP Address for

What could be the problem?

  • Neverminded, the URL was wrong. The correct one is: smtp (not ) Now it works fine... (Note; confusion came as there is another URL which is and in this case, it ends with )

posta 2 anni fa362 visualizzazioni
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For future reference, in case others have a similar question, here is the documentation:

Publishing an MX record for Amazon SES email receiving

con risposta 2 anni fa

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