Can't register new domain name using Route53


I created an account a couple of days ago, everything works fine, but I can’t buy a domain name using route53 service, has anyone encountered this recently? AWS shows the following error

Domain registration failed: [We can't finish registering your domain. Contact AWS Support at for further information.]

  • I've had the same exact issue. As soon as I try to purchase a domain I get an email saying it failed.

  • +1 from my side Were trying to register, no matter domain name, always failed.

  • Can someone please answer this?

  • Well Eugene, I am sorry but that is inaccurate because I have bought a domain name from AWS using route 53 with no issues before (given this was years ago) and have had services with them for years and used those service quite frequently so I am as validated as you can get and I still cannot register a new domain. Something odd is going on.

  • This too happened to me as well. We weren't able to register the domain name. This is because:

    We can't finish registering your domain. Contact AWS Support at for further information.

posta 2 anni fa10220 visualizzazioni
11 Risposte

Amazon support replied that they are still checking my account

con risposta 2 anni fa
  • Did this ever get resolved? I'm running into the same issue.


Well Eugene, I am sorry but that is inaccurate because I have bought a domain name from AWS using route 53 with no issues before (given this was years ago) and have had services with them for years and used their services quite frequently so I am as validated as you can get and I still cannot register a new domain. Something odd is going on.

con risposta 2 anni fa
  • Same, same. I've had an account for years and just bought a domain a month ago and was purchasing another this week. @dwb did you get a response? How did you get it resolved? I emailed support and I suppose I will have some solution this week.


I got the same message. Cannot register a domain.

con risposta un anno fa
  • Did you fix it yet i have the same issue


I am also having the same issue

con risposta 2 anni fa

Well, I know what to do: your account must pass some valudation before you can buy any domain. There is even special topic in support for this: Billing, Domain name registration issue Just wraise one and say as clear as possible: Verify my account because I can't buy any domain!

con risposta 2 anni fa

I have the same problem

con risposta un anno fa

I have same issue

con risposta un anno fa

I have the same issue. How can we solve this?

con risposta un anno fa

I have the same issue, and after few month's past i still can't do that and also can't get any support from AWS team either as i'm on a free tier... My ticket was closed previously and they couldn't even give me proper solution on why i can't buy a new domain. They suggested me to use AWS services more but i told them to use more services first of all i need a new domain... very disappointed

con risposta un anno fa

Ran into this issue myself recently.

As most comments before mine have suggested, you need to have your account validated when you first sign up to AWS. This is done manually by the AWS team, you will not receive an email.

If this happens to you my suggestion is to send a support ticket under the 'Billing, Domain name registration issue' category. Ask them to validate your account and it should be resolved in 1-2 days.

Hope that helps.

con risposta un anno fa

Hello Everyone,

I am try to buy a domain name but it failed, I still can't know what's issue is it because my account isn't activated yet, if so, how can I check if it's activated or not ?

Please, I need help

con risposta un anno fa

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