How to connect Timestream to Self Managed Grafana


Hello Reader,

Context: I am working on a project where i want to capture the incoming data from an external MQTT broker and visualise it inside the grafana, So i created the EC2 instance and using cloud9 IDE i created a python script to interact with external MQTT broker, now i am getting the data on IoT core specifically on "MQTT test client" and now i want to visualise this data on Grafana "Self Managed Grafana" which is installed on my localhost Personal Computer.

Question: As per the procedure I created the Rule inside the IoT Core rule dashboard which is inside "AWS IoT > Message routing > Rules" and created the Database in timestream but i am facing issues in table partitioning options (Deleted the database now) and the roles which i need to create to grant permissions to grafana and also to IoT Core to interact with timestream. can i get a proper guide to get data on timestream and connect timestream to grafana successfully?

sample data:

{ "wind_dir": 187, "wind_speed": 10 } { "current": 0, "power": 3 }

1 Risposta
Risposta accettata

Hi - Thanks for asking the question. Here are few things you can review.

  1. IOT core integration with Timestream - This tutorial also provides a great way to get started
  2. You may have to explore the Timestream datasource plugin for the same or

Hope this helps Thanks

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