Configure Letsencrypt ssl certificate for AWS Lightsail instance


We have a domain say [] hosted in server x from last 3 years. There we configured letencrypt and it is working fine.

Recently we are in to AWS cloud and we are created one lightsail instance and couple of subdomains say [] and [] are pointed to AWS static ip using DNS A record in server x . After that we are added letsencrypt certificate as per this tutorial The ceritificate installation went correctly and got the congratulations message with expiry date in CLI as mentioned in tutorial.

The TXT records are added at both DNS zone of server x and also tried with creating DNS zone within lightsail. Tried with rebooting apache and whole instance also.

But, still browser not able to validate SSL and showing invalid certificate notice.

Where we are missing?

Edited by: SaraghsoftTechnologies on Oct 6, 2020 8:41 PM

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