how to disable public ip from existing aws ec2 instance


How to disable public ip from existing aws ec2 instance Enter image description here

2 Risposte


As @Steve_M says, you can't disable automatic public IPv4 for EC2 that's already up and running.
So, if you currently want to disable it, as answered at the URL below, create an AMI from an existing EC2 and configure it so that public IPv4 is not set when launching a new EC2 from that AMI.

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con risposta 6 mesi fa
  • Exactly. I disabled auto ipv4 assignment and made a new instance with ipv6 only, using the root volume from the previous instance, so there's only internal ipv4 and a public ipv6. However, be careful, a lot of stuff doesn't seem to be working well with ipv6 on AWS, for example SES. It's such a pain to deal with IPv6, especially if AWS ain't even ready themselves.


The only way the public IP address can be released is if the instance is stopped or hibernated, or if an elastic IP becomes associated with the instance.

Otherwise it doesn't appear this is possible.

You cannot manually associate or disassociate a public IP (IPv4) address from your instance.

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con risposta 6 mesi fa
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verificato 6 mesi fa

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