What service should I use to run a python script stored in a bucket in AWS S3


I'm trying to run a python script and its accompanying data that I've stored in an AWS S3 bucket. But it seems like I have to connect the bucket to another AWS service in order to run the objects within it.

I tried exploring AWS CLI and AWS Systems Manager Console but they seem only to exist to manage S3 buckets rather than run objects/files in them. Please help!

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3 Risposte

if you are going to run file stored in S3 bucket, you need either download it in advance and execute it or you can mount S3 as a file system using tool like https://github.com/s3fs-fuse/s3fs-fuse

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con risposta un anno fa
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verificato 2 mesi fa

S3 is primarily for storage. You can define your script as AWS Lambda Function to perform necessary actions on objects in S3. (assuming a single iteration of your script does not run for 15 min ). Another option for long running jobs would be to run the script in an EC2 instance, or evaluate the usefulness of Step Functions / AWS Batch

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con risposta un anno fa

Hi, could you review the following link where the documentation guides you in detail (Running scripts from Amazon S3): https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/integration-s3.html

The article details the forms of execution, you can choose between: a) Run a shell script from Amazon S3 (console): or b) Run a shell script from Amazon S3 (command line)

I hope it helps you.

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con risposta un anno fa

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