Storage lens not accurate


Hi, have you seen this case where for massive S3 bucket with high rate of change being replicated to another region, Storage lens may show that the replication is not finished. But when you check the bucket directly, all buckets are in-synch. Could it be that CRR replication has a possible lag of 15 mins ?

posta 2 anni fa704 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte
Risposta accettata

Storage lens metrics are published once a day, so it could take 24 hours. Check the blue box on this page. Monitor S3 Storage Lens metrics in CloudWatch

con risposta 2 anni fa
profile pictureAWS
verificato 2 anni fa

The answer above and the page linked both fail to state when the S3 situation is snapshotted to produce the daily summary provided in the default Storage Lens, and the Storage Link default report itself only states a date, not a time of day.

con risposta un anno fa

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