Delete EB Env stuck with "no data"


Hi, I have an environment that is stuck on "no data". Im trying to delete it but it always fails, first because it has a coupled database that has already been deleted. I can't change the config because the env is not in "ready" state.

When I try to delete using the web console:

Service:AmazonRDS, Message:DBInstance awseb-e-qxafqnqkpf-stack-awsebrdsdatabase-zkrd0pdemrvu not found.

Using the terminal I get

- eb abort

ERROR: InvalidParameterValueError - Environment named testEnv is in an invalid state for this operation. Must be pending deployment.

- eb terminate --force

ERROR: InvalidParameterValueError - Cannot terminate environment named testEnv. It is currently pending deployment.

posta 3 mesi fa120 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta
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The person asking the URL below seems to have been able to resolve the issue by deleting the CloudFormation stack created by ElasticBeanstalk.
I had a similar experience, and was able to resolve it by manually deleting the CloudFormation stack that also failed to deploy.

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con risposta 3 mesi fa
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verificato 3 mesi fa
  • Thanks, it worked!

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