Is there a way to figure out exact time of delivery of sms via Pinpoint?


SMS Event has an event_timestamp attribute which as per documentation is The time when the event was reported, shown as Unix time in milliseconds. Can I take this timestamp as an indicative of time of actual delivery/failure of the SMS?

Please help me out if there is alternate way of finding that out

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You can use the arrival_timestamp in the _SMS.SUCCESS/_SMS.FAILURE event_type. The arrival_timestamp would ben when the data was provided to us by the carrier when the message was delivered, failed etc. That said, please validate the record_status as well. A "DELIVERED" record_status is generally used by carriers when a message has been successfully delivered.

I would like to add that the delivery status messages are provided by the carriers and not by the Pinpoint service itself. The Pinpoint service can only accurately report the delivery time based on the data that has been provided to us. Also, please keep in mind that different carriers handle this data differently. For example, some carriers may report a success when they receive a message(which is valid) while other carriers may report a success when the messages is actually delivered to the handset. There may also be times when the actual reporting of these events may be delayed as they are dependent on external resources providing the appropriate data.

I hope this information helps. Please let us know if you may have any questions about this.

con risposta 2 anni fa
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verificato 4 giorni fa
  • Thanks for the clarification. So, event_timestamp is when aws receives the request and arrival_timestamp is when it receives delivery report from the carrier?

    in the documentation, event_timestamp is bigger than arrival_timestamp. Technically that's wrong then, is it? I was misled by the documentation example

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