EC2 Linux 2 - Refused to Connect



I am facing a problem in my Linux 2 EC2 instance. After the httpd is installed and set to start at boot, the docs recommend going to the public DNS to check for the Apache Test Page. However, when I try that, all I get is ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED and ERR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT. How do I proceed? I have tried deleting and starting fresh in a new instance. Same problem.

Currest public DNS:

What do I do?

Thanks in advance.

posta 3 anni fa1481 visualizzazioni
5 Risposte

Hello, Orectique

I would suggest you checking the security group used by your EC2 in order to guarantee that incoming traffic from internet to HTTP (80) or HTTPS (443) are allowed.

SG: Inbound - HTTP/HTTPS - or Your Public IP

Note.: Be careful in allowing internet traffic directly to your application/web server.

I hope that can help you.

Have a good one.

con risposta 3 anni fa

Hello, Orectique

I would suggest you checking the security group used by your EC2 in order to guarantee that incoming traffic from internet to HTTP (80) or HTTPS (443) are allowed.

SG: Inbound - HTTP/HTTPS - or Your Public IP

Note.: Be careful in allowing internet traffic directly to your application/web server.

I hope that can help you.

Have a good one.

con risposta 3 anni fa

Hey there,

Thank you for your reply. I have tried the security group inbound rules correction multiple times. It is currently set to ports 22, 80, and 443 at

That is the problem. I've done everything as the documentation suggests.

con risposta 3 anni fa

Hi Orectique,

From my understanding you would need to go to in order to view your public DNS to check for the Apache Test Page (when I did that now it worked). The previous one you were attempting to connect to was HTTPS. If you have not secured your site with an SSL/TLS certificate you can get the error you were.

I hope this helps!

con risposta 3 anni fa

That works. Thank you.

con risposta 3 anni fa

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