Wireless Gateway disconnect log search


I am utilizing the newish LoRaWAN event notifications to publish connect/disconnect events to $aws/iotwireless/events/connection_status/+/lorawan/wireless_gateways. I have a gateway that disconnected which I am trying to diagnose using log insights on the AWSIotLogsV2 log group.

My query is:

fields @timestamp, @message
| filter eventType = 'Disconnect'

Which gives me:

{"timestamp":"2022-07-09 21:48:36.523","logLevel":"INFO","traceId":"<<redacted>>","accountId":"<<redacted>>","status":"Success","eventType":"Disconnect","protocol":"MQTT","clientId":"<<redacted>>,"principalId":"<<redacted>>","sourceIp":"<<redacted>>","sourcePort":59232,"disconnectReason":"CONNECTION_LOST"}

But the results don't seem to help me identify the specific gateway in question. How to I write a query that pinpoints the gateway by either Gateway ID, Gateway EUI, or some other unique identifier?

posta 2 anni fa231 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

Hi. AWSIotLogsV2 is not the correct log group for wireless/LoRaWAN log events in CloudWatch. Instead, you need to query the /aws/iotwireless log group. In case you haven't already enabled this log group, please see the instructions here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/connect-iot-lorawan-logging-monitoring.html

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con risposta 2 anni fa

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