Getting No apps yet message in Amazon Workspaces Application Manager despit


According the the Users page of the AWS Application Manager web page, I have subscribed to the following applications.

• Atom
• Git
• Mozilla Firefox
• Ruby 2.2.2
• Silverlight
• Strawberry Perl
• Tortoise SVN

However, when I run the Amazon Workspaces Application Manager I see the following message.

No apps yet. To get apps, contact your admin.

What am I missing?

posta 5 anni fa182 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

I found the answer to my question by search this forum.

On the left side of the Amazon WorkSpaces Application Manager there is a My Apps link and a Discover link. I needed to click on the Discover link to see the applications I had assigned.

con risposta 5 anni fa

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