http error 500 - how to resolve


Hi all, I'm not a developer. My homepage suddenly churned out a http error 500 (working fine in Dec'23). I have a mobile application tied in with this AWS server and that doesnt work either. The AWS support staff suggested that I enable auto-renew on my domain (which was only going to expire in 2026). I thought this didnt make sense, and true enough, it didnt resolve the problem after I enabled it. I'm not stuck in the sense that I dont know how to view the server log (from my AWS console) to check the specifics of the http error 500, in order to better rectify the issue. Thanks in advance for your help!

posta 5 mesi fa210 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte

Hello Mark,

500 error code usually occurs when your FE can't connect/communicate to your Backend server(in your case i think its an AWS server)

So, i would suggest to check if your backend is working fine

Let me know if you need more help


con risposta 5 mesi fa
  • Thank you Abhinav. Let me explore that solution futher. Would you be able to point me to a guide on how to check the FE and Backend server communication? I'm not a developer, hence very new to AWS Console management. Thanks!


Hello, Could you tell me more about your application tech stack?


con risposta 4 mesi fa

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